Friday 29 February 2008


This is the playblast of how our work is looking so far! Nice.

Seriously though..... we have no idea how this happened. One minute it was working, the next... well.

Thursday 31 January 2008

Totem Pole

The tree that looked like a totem pole which originally inspired us, after it was destroyed. Goodbye our friend. You will be missed. :'(

Environment model list

Environment list.

Totem pole
Camp Fence
Dead Trees, big and small
Dry Grass
Dream Catchers
Tumble Weed
Floor Paintings
Buffalo Skeletons
Stretched Animal Skin
Sacrifice Stone
Wicca Baskets/Pots
Extinguished Campfire/Seating
Burial Ground

Rough blockout

Production schedual

Tuesday 29 January 2008


Create an animation to demonstrate a video game concept. You must show game play elements.
It should be animated and rendered in a 3d package but should fit within the restrictions of a
current gen game engine, specifically 'Unreal Engine 3'.

· The animation must contain an environment, player and AI character interaction.
· Each character should be between 8,000 and 10,000 tris.
· The environment should not exceed a tri count of 40,000.
· Character textures should not be greater than 2048 by 2048.
· Colour, specular and bump maps can be used
· Low poly and high poly versions of each model should be made.
· Environment textres should be between 256 by 256 and 1024 by 1024.
· Animations should be non-linear to allow animation layering and animation clip creation.
· Particles may be used.

Blogs must include:

· Research.
· Texture sheets.
· Low, high and normal mapped low poly meshes.
· Animation clips.

Script and Storyboards

Girl stands still outside of camp entrance, she begins to run forewords and slows down to a walk as she enters the gate. Cut scene begins.

Girl looks around at her surroundings as she walks through the camp. Comes to a stop at the centre of the camp in front of the totem pole. Surrounding the totem pole, there is a symbol on the floor. Girl squats down to inspect the symbol, looks at her hand revealing to the player that she has the same markings on her. She touches the markings for an even closer inspection and realises the markings are drawn in blood.


Girl hears a strange gurgle and looks up, then stands as she sees a slow stumbling figure approaching her. Girl subtly places her hand on her holster hip, cautious of the figure approaching her.

Excuse me? I'm looking for-

Death, is the only thing you'll find here.

Girl takes the gun out of her holster but keeps the gun at her side. Standing still, the figure sharply rips her cape off her person, revealing her for what she really is.... a zombie. Player sees the gemerald in her head. Girl jumps back, weapon raised, but is still hesitant to shoot. Zombie rolls her head foreword as though it were really heavy. A moments pause for anticipation and abruptly flings her head back vomiting projectile blood. Girl leaps out of the way whilst shooting the zombie. The blood from the zombie stops before the girl has finished her role. Girl shoots the recovering zombie, but bullets pass through her with little damage. Zombie snarls angrily and clambers up the totem pole.

Cut scene ends and goes into game play.

Phase 1:

Zombie squats on the top of the totem pole and again starts vomiting blood which tracks the girl who has to move out of the way in the last second. Zombie stops and girl throws dagger up at her, knocking the zombie momentarily off balance. Zombie takes out bow and arrow and fires 3 arrows one after the other, whilst girl has to dodge out of the way. When the attack is over, girl aims up another dagger this time knocking the zombie off of the totem pole. Leads into another cut scene.

She lands on her face and picks herself up. Zombie detaches the bow to make two daggers. End of cut.

Phase 2:

Combat breaks out between the two characters. Zombies fighting skill is very animalistic and savage, whilst the girls is much more graceful and evasive.

Depending on time restrictions, game will end:

1. With Zombie killing the girl and 'Game Over' message being displayed on screen.


2. Girl kicks zombie causing her to spin off the ground whilst the girl embeds her blade through her stomach pinning her to the ground. Girl tries to claim the gem but zombie tries to bite her, so she slams a second blade through her mouth pinning her head to the ground, allowing girl to take the gem. Girl flicks the gem in the air and catches it. Girl gets a map out which brings out a menu to choose the next mission for her to embark upon.

Rough storyboards that the group sat down and draw out together, to get an idea of camera angles and key poses.

Friday 18 January 2008

Initial Ideas

We sat down together and came up with various ideas.